NIKILAB > Protocols > poly-L-lysine coat on slide glass

Preparation of poly-L-lysine coated Slides ...‘ [?ƒ˘? ]
040813 yamaichi

A. pinpoint coating

1.1 Drop 25 ƒĘl of poly-L-lysine solution* on a glass slide (and spread to diameter of 2-2.5 cm with tip).

1.2 Kept for 5 min.

1.3 Flush away by D.W. with wash bottle.

1.4 Air-dry the slides with blower (by cool air).


B. All coat (for FISH)

1.1 Place glass slides in stainless rack.
Soak in 2 N NaOH solution for 1-2 hours.

1.2 Rinse in 200 ml of D.W. with shaking up and down.
Repeat 5 times.

1.3 Transfer to and soak in coloring vessel containing 0.01% poly-L-Lysine solutionő for 1 hour.

1.4 Rinse in 200 ml of D.W. with shaking up and down.

1.5 Rinse in 200 ml of 100% Ethanol.

1.6 Air-dry the slides with blower (by cool air).



1. Poly-L-Lysine solution*
0.1% w/v in water SIGMA #P6920

2. 2 N NaOH solution
D.W. 190 ml
NaOH pellet 16 g

3. 0.01% poly-L-Lysine solutionő
0.1% poly-L-Lysine solution 20 ml
D.W. 180 ml